Inspiration. Why we all are artists and how to restore the sparkle

Aug 03, 2023

We often associate certain qualities with individuals who seem to possess a natural talent for creativity. We convince ourselves that painting, singing, or dancing are pursuits reserved for these "real" artists while we remain mere spectators. Creativity? Inspiration? No, it's not about me. 

However, allow us to challenge this perspective. Surely, you have encountered situations where unexpected moments of inspiration brought joy and warmth to your day. Picture yourself at a local supermarket, going about your routine grocery shopping, when the person at the checkout takes a moment to smile sincerely, compliments your new haircut, or even presents a small gift to your child. Such instances may not be explicitly part of their job description. Instead, these small gestures embody inspiration. Inspiration cannot be played or performed – it is an authentic sentiment that either exists or does not. 


Suppose we understand inspiration as the process of being mentally stimulated to take action. In that case, we can apply this concept to the significant portion of our lives spent on our jobs. We should recognise that inspiration can be experienced by anyone, even in their professional pursuits. Perhaps you lack inspiration in your current job. Routine has replaced moments of genuine excitement, leaving you with brief and infrequent bursts of inspiration. Devoid of this feeling, you struggle to serve as a source of inspiration for those around you – whether at work or in your personal life. Despite your genuine desire to uplift others, the energy and drive simply elude you. You become trapped in an endless cycle that convinces you that inspiration is not meant for you. 


But what if the journey to rediscovering your inspiration is much shorter than you think? What if the key to reigniting the sparkle is not an elusive secret but rather an act of courage that empowers you to change your professional trajectory? What if it's something well within your grasp? Embrace the opportunity to uncover your new self – an individual brimming with inspiration, capable of becoming a beacon of motivation for others. 


It would be a pity to spend a third of our lives devoid of inspiration in any shape or form. Each of us requires distinct sources of inspiration; what stirs one person may hold no significance for another. Nevertheless, the key message remains: we all crave inspiration. 


Discover your source of inspiration with Kelly. We know the shortcuts. 

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